Turkish media: Europe should not forget that it depends on Azerbaijan in terms of energy


Europe should not forget that it will depend on Azerbaijan in terms of energy after the Russia-Ukraine war, Report informs, citing a reportage prepared by the Turkish Haber Global TV channel in the context of Azerbaijan-PACE relations.

According to the reportage, this is not the first scandalous decision of PACE: "Opinions similar to the accusations leveled against Azerbaijan have been repeatedly raised against Türkiye. They engaged in the Armenian lobby and French-led lobbying activities regarding Azerbaijan, especially the 44-day Second Karabakh War of 2020 and the anti-terrorist measures implemented on September 19–20, 2023."

The reportage also drew attention to the fact that PACE never adopted any decisions or resolutions against Armenia during the 30-year occupation: "Double standards and polarization normally create hatred in civilizations and societies. Azerbaijan suffered great losses to liberate its occupied lands and fought to save its homeland. In Europe, instead of supporting it, a political situation was created that focused on supporting Armenia and Armenian gangs. Nevertheless, Azerbaijan won. Armenians lobby through France and bring reports to PACE. If the institution reveals double standards with these decisions, there are steps to be taken on the other side."

