From the peace agenda to the anti-Azerbaijani campaign


Pushkin's genius, a thousand games of the bear and artificial respiration for the "dead".

A thousand games of a bear are in the head of a pear. Currently, the total campaign against Azerbaijan on an international scale makes us think about the meaning of this example of our forefathers.

In fact, what happened in the first month of 2024 forms a strange situation. It seems as if a synchronized, coordinated anti-Azerbaijani game is going on. The resolution of the French Senate, what happened at the level of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the unacceptable approaches of the European Union, the discussions aimed at our country in the European Parliament...

In short, we see the activation of the European segment of the collective West. In the background of this process, those across the ocean are calm. They are satisfied with watching the events from the outside. After all, it is not their "turn" now... they are watching how Europe plays. It is impossible to know, maybe they provide "consultative support". Anyway, they want the bear to get its hands on the pear. What is a pear, we will talk about it.

However, let us first state that when 2023 began, a number of political experts and analysts emphasized that the current year would bring peace to the South Caucasus. They voiced different opinions. Due to the existence of a number of tensions between Azerbaijan and Armenia, and most importantly, the existence of actual war conditions on September 19-20, despite the fact that the local anti-terrorist measures carried out by the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan on that date caused, in a certain sense, an irreconcilable atmosphere in Armenia, there are those who support the same opinion. we knew They were optimistic that the Baku-Iravan peace agreement would be reached even in December 2023. But the expectations did not come true. In this way, hopes remained for January 2024.

At first glance, everything was clear. It seemed that there was no obstacle to the signing of a peace treaty between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Despite the fact that some fundamental misunderstandings remained, this was also expressed by Yerevan officials. However, the current situation shows a completely different picture. The main line of the landscape is the anti-Azerbaijani campaign, which we talked about at the beginning.

It should be noted that earlier we saw that Armenia took a manipulative position in the negotiation process. In fact, we witnessed that those manipulations came up again as soon as 2024 started. The point is that if earlier this trend appeared only as a product of Yerevan's thinking, now there is a need to think about different nuances. It seems that the logic of "the warrior is not the only one left on the field" has been activated. Therefore, the French Senate, PACE, the European Union, the European Parliament "took action". In other words, they tried to support the pear picking of the bear.

Yes, a pear is a peace treaty. In the present case, the bear is the pro-Armenian circles of the West. Their desire is to "eat" the peace agreement, to prevent the signing of the document. This is where the synchronicity and coordinated action we talked about earlier comes from. "Activity" has concrete players like France and Germany. The players have taken the course of putting Azerbaijan out of the eyes of the international community. Imagine what Baku should be doing right now, but what hasn't it scored? Our country spends time responding to the slanders of the West. Rather, he spends the time and energy he should have devoted to peace.

In the current situation, the statements made by Armenia are putting a sack over the "head" of peace. Currently, Yerevan is completely free. He doesn't feel any resistance towards himself... Imagine that the person who controls Armenia's next hostile steps against our country in PACE is the vice-speaker of the country's parliament, Ruben Rubinyan. Rubinyan is one of the main people in the process of normalization between Armenia and Turkey. Let's also remember that this creature always talked about peace and dialogue and normalization. So, it was disguised with false sincerity. We don't ask, what face will he continue from where he left off after the break? Because he is Armenian, he has a thousand faces. In this place, the words of the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin come to mind: you are a slave, you are a slave, you are an Armenian!

Yes, the goal of the anti-Azerbaijani game initiated by the European segment of the collective West is clear - to harm the Azerbaijan-Armenia peace process, to completely destroy it, to disrupt it. In parallel, this faction is determined to ignore the will of the Azerbaijani people. Forming a negative opinion about the presidential elections to be held in our country on February 7, creating an image of the process's insignificance is also part of the same plan. In short, they tried to squeeze Azerbaijan in every way. They know very well that our country will enter a new stage of development after the election. They understand well that then our state will put forward its principles more decisively. They see the realities...

Their wish is to form a negative attitude towards our country on a global scale. Let it be formed so that the international community gains immunity from opposing our legitimate demands regarding the peace process. Everything is calculated for this. It is calculated that Armenia will gain the upper hand in the South Caucasus. At least let time pass.

They believe that Yerevan will absorb time and become stronger, and with its help they will regain their lost positions in the South Caucasus. This is the only thing they are trying to do, and there is no doubt that if Armenia is a bit stronger, it will attack our country at the current time when Azerbaijan is busy on the international platform. Then the "scenario" will be fully realized. Roughly like this: Democratic Armenia steps on "anti-democratic Azerbaijan" to return the oppressed Karabakh Armenians to their ancestral lands. Pathos after pathos. International law, which does not work anyway, will sink to the bottom of the earth. The world's hypocritical media outlets also publish reports that the heroic Armenian people are fighting for their rights and so on.

But they can't do that. Their potential is only to create a soap bubble and a cheap show of populism. They just extend the time. They keep Armenia on its feet with force. Let's see how long they will keep the "dead" on the ventilator! Let's see how long it will take them to support Armenia's speculations!

Currently, we are not represented in PACE. If necessary, we will leave the Council of Europe. We declared this at a high level yesterday. That is, we showed that we do not shy away from any pressure. Let them come! Let them do whatever they can. But then they should not be offended by us, they should not start a quarrel. If they have dignity, let them think and consider that the one who falls does not cry.

