Does Azerbaijan need PACE?


At the first meeting of the PACE winter session, it was proposed to temporarily limit the right to vote of the Azerbaijani delegation. Among the stated reasons, human rights violations in the country are cited as the first, but what worries Europeans is the removal of Armenian terrorists from Karabakh and the termination of the existence of the illegal separatist regime that held Karabakh Armenians as political hostages for 35 years. This biased step of the PACE is a manifestation of the objection of the European deputies to the full restoration of Azerbaijan's sovereign rights over its territory.

Since 2001, when it became a member of PACE, our delegation held discussions regarding the gross violation of the fundamental rights of about one million Azerbaijanis in our territory and in Armenia, the killing of thousands of innocent people by Armenians due to their nationality, and the ethnic cleansing of our occupied lands and relevant despite insisting on the adoption of decisions, PACE insisted that it was not involved in these issues and that the Armenia-Azerbaijani conflict could only be discussed within the framework of the OSCE.

Now, the PACE considers it a violation of human rights that the Armenians, who were invited to stay in Karabakh and live on the basis of Azerbaijan's laws, moved freely by their own choice, without the use of any force, and even demands the return of the Armenians to that territory from Azerbaijan. This is the brightest manifestation of hypocrisy, injustice, racial and religious discrimination in European politics, unprecedented in the history of PACE. Many PACE members do not hide that they support Armenia not because it is right, but precisely because it is a Christian country, and on the contrary, they clearly emphasize it in their speeches.

In such circumstances, the Azerbaijani delegation made the only correct and dignified decision. Before the issue regarding Azerbaijan was put to the vote, our delegation left the PACE building by making a statement in response to PACE's unfair demarche against our country. The statement expresses an objection to the clearly prejudiced xenophobic attitude towards our country and declares that the Azerbaijani delegation has suspended its activities for an indefinite period.

According to the PACE Charter, this body, composed of deputies from 46 countries, should monitor issues such as the protection of human rights, promotion of democracy and ensuring the rule of law in the countries that are members of the Council of Europe, should spread the positive experience in these areas and should work to eliminate negative situations. In particular, in order to eliminate the conflicts occurring in the territory of the member states of the organization, it should try to bring the positions closer and find a consensus between the parties. That is why Azerbaijan's admission to PACE in 2001 caused great excitement in our country.

Sympathy for this institution in our country came from the fact that it promotes universal values, promotes human rights and democracy, and especially declares that it supports international justice. Azerbaijan had high hopes for the implementation of the values ​​declared by the Council of Europe and its Parliamentary Assembly, the protection of the most grossly violated human rights, and the establishment of international justice. Along with other international organizations of which we are members, our expectations from PACE were to officially recognize the fact of occupation of Azerbaijani lands and put pressure on the aggressor state to end the occupation. However, contrary to our expectations, during the 35 years of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict, PACE did not take a single decision to protect the rights of one million Azerbaijanis, whose rights were brutally violated.

As if this was lost, PACE began to worry about Azerbaijan's liberating the occupied lands under its own power, implementing UN Security Council resolutions that had not been implemented for nearly 30 years, and thereby ensuring international justice. Now PACE makes unfair remarks against Azerbaijan and accuses the state of Azerbaijan of violating the rights of Armenians. At this moment, "What and who does PACE serve?" the question arises and the role played by PACE in European politics is revealed in all its nakedness.

Our activity in PACE for more than 20 years is enough to understand the true purpose and purpose of this institution. Despite all the efforts of the Azerbaijani delegation for 20 years, PACE did not recognize Armenia as an aggressor who occupied the lands of the neighboring state. During this period, the proposals put forward by the Azerbaijani delegation regarding the occupation policy of Armenia were not heard. Condemning Armenia's policy of aggression, the shooting of the parliament in Armenia in 1998 and peaceful demonstrators in 2013 were not even discussed. No charges were brought against the Kocharyan-Sargsyan government, which was corrupt from head to toe in Armenia, robbed citizens and the state budget, and trampled on all kinds of human rights. Discussion initiatives put forward by the Azerbaijani delegation on these issues were immediately prevented. All efforts and initiatives to convey the truths of Azerbaijan to a wide European audience were blocked by the deputies of the leading states.

Finally, it became clear that the interests of big countries like France and Germany may not be reconciled with the principles of international justice, rule of law and democracy in many cases, and in this case the values ​​declared by PACE are deliberately pushed into the background. Our 20 years of activity revealed that PACE is used by the leading European states as a tool to secure their interests.

The liberation of our lands from occupation in the Patriotic War in 2020 and the surrender of the separatist forces that have nested in Karabakh with the support of major power centers for the last 30 years in 2023, and finally securing the sovereignty of Azerbaijan over its legally recognized territories at the international level after 35 years, will benefit our country and the whole It has significantly limited the possibilities of influence and pressure on the South Caucasus region. The normalization of relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia can completely prevent attempts to intervene in the region from outside. Therefore, countries such as France, Germany, and the United States, which are trying to secure their interests, are trying to launch new pressure mechanisms against Azerbaijan as the only country in the region that is trying to conduct its own independent policy. Attempts to temporarily restrict voting rights of the Azerbaijani delegation are part of this scenario.

The people of Azerbaijan already understand that behind the highly pathetic "European values" such as democracy, human rights, and justice, there are insidious intentions and the neo-imperialism policy that ensures the enslavement of Africa, Asia and all weak states for centuries by the states that are considered power centers. The real essence of European politics is racism, ethnic-religious bigotry, incitement and tyranny. All this is completely contrary to the goals of freedom, stability and dignified life that Azerbaijan strives to provide in its territory. The policy pursued by PACE does not agree with the policy that Azerbaijan is trying to pursue within the framework of its national interests, on the contrary, it collides.

However, before PACE made its decision, the Azerbaijani delegation already announced its decision and stopped its activities within PACE. After the liberation of our lands, after our sovereignty over our entire territory is ensured, Azerbaijan has no need for PACE. There are about 200 independent states in the world, and only 46 of them are members of this organization. In such a case, "What decision will PACE take?" there is no question, now there is such a question: does Azerbaijan need PACE?

Javanshir Feyziyev,
Member of Parliament, doctor of philosophy
