PACE Azerbaijan "problem": anatomy of injustice


"Sincerity is the best policy"

Miguel de Cervantes

Frank Schwabe emphasizes three points in his "justification" as the "arguments" of illogicality, slander, and evil political speculation. First, there are allegedly many political prisoners in Azerbaijan. Secondly, allegedly, Azerbaijan forcibly expelled more than 100,000 people from Karabakh. Thirdly, these two "facts" are not very important for PACE - the main thing is that its representatives were neither allowed to "travel" to Lachin road (he uses the term "corridor" - ed.), nor were they allowed to participate in the February 7 presidential elections. were invited to observe.

It seems that the PACE does not consider the issue of "political prisoner" and "human rights" as important, for it its reputation, sphere of influence and the political goals it envisages are important. Therefore, the institution is trying to take advantage of the issue of human rights, which it does not consider necessary, to increase its political influence. There is a name for this - speculation.

The most convincing fact that confirms our opinion is that PACE is not interested in the fate of Azerbaijanis who were forcibly deported from their homeland for more than thirty years (except for the so-called invitation in a number of official documents). This is the reality: hundreds of thousands of Azerbaijanis were expelled both from the territory of present-day Armenia and from Karabakh, and were condemned to live the life of refugees and internally displaced persons. The conviction, which lasted more than thirty years, is still relevant today.

Yes, our compatriots from Western Azerbaijan still cannot even set foot on their homeland - Goycheya, Zangezur and other regions of Armenia. But during this period, did the European institutions, including PACE, demand anything from Armenia for them to return to their homes?

Lachin road is ceremoniously shown as a "corridor", as if breathing, but they do not even want to discuss the issue of Azerbaijanis returning to their homeland through this "breathing". The "corridor" in their imagination is a one-way traffic lane that should ensure the free passage of Armenians and their patrons from Armenia to Azerbaijan!

There are many facts to support this thesis. The "facts" of the PACE do not go beyond formal logic such as "they don't allow Armenians this, they don't allow that". From the demands of the European states (especially France and Germany) it is concluded that the "corridor" is only for Armenians and their masters. They are very confident in their speech. Those who refrain from applying the logic of "corridor" to Azerbaijanis use a shameless phrase about Zangezur, such as "there cannot be a corridor in the territory of Armenia."

In addition to these, EU members, including France and Germany, and Canada send their soldiers and scouts under the name of "civilian mission" to observe the border of Azerbaijan and the interior from the Armenian side. Is this an example of "democratic mediation"? These are the behaviors that form the content of solemn terms such as "human rights" and "political prisoner"?

On what basis can an institution that behaves artificially, supports the occupier in every sense and ignores the most natural rights of the state of Azerbaijan and its citizens be allowed to observe the election? There is no question of disregarding democratic values ​​here. It is clear as day that PACE observers will try to spread "election facts" they will make up to smear Azerbaijan, not the truth. In general, they have always discriminated against the countries of the post-Soviet space. There are solid facts about it.

The Friedrich Ebert Foundation and its president

In 2014, the chairman of the European Parliament at that time, Martin Schultz (Germany), actively intervened in the political situation in Ukraine. He is now president of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. This organization is one of the politicians who became the president of Germany in 1919-1925 and ignited the First World War. The fund created in his name does different things in different Psotsov countries. For example, let's pay attention to the reason why the institution's activities will be banned in Russia from 2022. The fund was driving the youth to anti-Russian sentiment. Under the guise of fighting against the war, he tried to rehabilitate fascists who died in Russia. He even took a Russian schoolboy to Europe to discuss the issue of a German soldier who died at the level of accusation against Russia.

"Helpful" Schwabe

And one of the active participants in all this is... Frank Schwabe. This person's political career is related to the Social Democratic Party. Since 2014, he has been the speaker of the faction on human rights and humanitarian aid in the Social Democratic Party of Germany. In addition, F. Shvabe heads the "Socialists, Democrats and Greens" group in PACE. In 2012, at the invitation of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, he participated in an event dedicated to "climate policy" in Moscow. However, his activities were not limited to that. He also played a key role in the organization of the provocative speech of the Russian schoolboy in Europe in the context of the death of a German soldier.

Since 2018, Shvabe has been a member of the monitoring, human rights, migration, and refugees committees in PACE. He promised that in 2022, deserters of the Russian army, journalists and human rights defenders would soon receive "comprehensive protection" in Germany. And this person has a known last statement about Azerbaijan.

It seems that F. Shvabe has enough opportunities to impartially defend human rights and rights, refugees, internally displaced persons, and migrants. But he acts on the basis of a special choice - he divides people into "his" and "strangers". He expresses his attitude based on the existing rakus. At this time, he does not hesitate to present things that do not exist as real facts. The facts are ignored. As an example, we can show that F. Shvabe did not take any serious steps at the PACE level regarding the rights of Azerbaijanis who were deported and deprived of their homes.

In the background of all this, the PACE official's statement that "the goal is to weaken the PACE" is nothing more than political speculation. It is a speculation based on the misfortune of ordinary people, caused by injustice and deep disregard for human rights! In the current situation, turning a deaf ear to the cry of an Azerbaijani child, woman, or old person, turning a blind eye to their expulsion from their homeland is the greatest injustice and crime.

A dishonest approach to international law

Moreover, trying to present Armenians who voluntarily left Karabakh as "forcibly expelled" is a dishonest approach to human rights and international law. Of course, regardless of nationality, every person has the right to live normally. Our state has always strictly followed this principle. However, ordinary Armenians also had to leave their homes due to the guilt of Armenian separatists and terrorists who committed unprecedented injustice against Azerbaijanis for many years. None of the Azerbaijanis threatened them. The security agencies of our country have arrested separatists and terrorists who have committed specific crimes. They should be punished according to the law.

Yes, the statements of F. Shvabe and others like him in relation to Azerbaijan, such as "the number of political prisoners is increasing at an alarming rate," are manipulations and moral crimes that should be severely punished on the international scale. Because with this, those "democrats" support the terrorists for the bloodshed of millions of innocent people and motivate them to commit new murders. We see traces of the same scenario in the West's support and stimulation of terrorists in the Middle East. It is from this point of view that there are serious doubts that F. Schwabe and others like him fulfilled the order.

In addition, everyone knows that every separatist arrested by the security authorities of Azerbaijan has committed a specific crime and this has been proven. For example, the former leader of the former separatist regime in Karabakh, Arayik Arutunyan, openly declared that he had ordered rockets to be fired at Ganja. This fact alone is enough to prove that A. Arutunyan and his comrades in arms are criminals. It is known that during the 44-day war, a large number of people, including children, died due to the shelling of Ganja.

Even in the presence of these facts, an Armenian who left Azerbaijan at will did not have a nosebleed. On the contrary, what they said to the journalists shows that they blame the Armenian soldiers for the situation. Armenians who left Karabakh said that they have no problems with Azerbaijanis.

2 questions and 2 exclamations!

If all this is true, how can Azerbaijan be accused of ethnic cleansing? For what reason are Armenian separatists who are child killers called political prisoners? This is absurd, nonses!

It turns out that PACE's claim of traveling to Lachin and demanding a meeting with the criminals they call "political prisoners" is a hoax. Because they make these demands not for the sake of justice in the true sense of the word, but to implement their dirty plans.

Finally, it is appropriate to say that Azerbaijan has told everyone that it is independent and has a fair and objective position. He resists any external pressure and makes independent decisions. Regarding the political issue, there is no doubt that a democratic election will be held in our country. No force can divert Azerbaijan from this path!

As for Frank Schwabe, he is another example of the defeat of biased forces against Azerbaijan. Whatever decision the PACE monitoring group makes about our country, its influence will not go beyond the streets of Strasbourg.

XQ analyst, doctor of philosophy
