Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan discuss inter-parliamentary ties


Azerbaijan’s Milli Majlis (Parliament) has hosted a meeting with a delegation led by First Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis (National Parliament) of the Republic of Uzbekistan Akmal Saidov.


Touching upon the centuries-old fraternal relations between the two countries, Head of the Milli Majlis Working Group on Interparliamentary relations with Uzbekistan Eldar Ibrahimov noted that Azerbaijan attaches great importance to developing relations with Uzbekistan.


Noting that Azerbaijan has fully ensured the sovereignty over its entire territory, Ibrahimov thanked the Uzbekistani side for supporting the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. He described the construction of a modern school by Uzbekistan in the liberated city of Fuzuli as a symbol of strong friendship between the two nations.


Emphasizing the role of parliaments in deepening bilateral relations, Akmal Saidov underscored the importance of continuing mutually beneficial cooperation on international platforms. He hailed the successful development of relations between the two countries.


Highlighting the importance of expanding the centuries-old friendly and fraternal relations between Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan, Akmal Saidov noted the activity of the legislative bodies in this regard.


Then, member of the Working Group on Inter-parliamentary relations with Uzbekistan Javanshir Pashazade, and Ambassador of Uzbekistan to Azerbaijan Bahrom Ashrafkhanov shared his views on the development of the bilateral ties between the two countries.
