Ombudsperson: Mirzoyan's remarks confirm existence of accurate maps of mines planted in Azerbaijani territories during occupation


The remarks made by Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan during the press conference confirm the existence of accurate maps of mines planted in the territories of Azerbaijan during the occupation and that they were not provided to our country in order to intentionally kill people,” said the country's Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) Sabina Aliyeva to AZERTAC.


Ombudsperson Sabina Aliyeva mentioned that the mine terrorism committed by Armenia hinders building and construction works in Azerbaijan’s liberated territories, jeopardizes the lives and health of civilians, and delays the safe return of the population to their ancestral homes. “Since the First Karabakh war, more than 3400 Azerbaijanis, including 357 children and 38 women fell victim to landmine explosions in the liberated territories. Consequently, the norms and principles of international humanitarian law were grossly violated by Armenia,” Sabina Aliyeva mentioned.


“Despite the repeated appeals, Armenia has denied the existence of accurate maps of minefields and has not handed them over to our country, and the accuracy rate of minefield maps provided until today is only 25 percent. The recent admission by the Foreign Minister of Armenia once again confirms that this country has committed war crimes and engaged in mine terrorism against Azerbaijan,” the Ombudsperson underscored.
