American observer: Pre-election poll results will be announced next week


“We will visit Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur. We will mainly conduct survey covering various themes such as the country's economic situation, security, and achievements in Karabakh,” George Birnbaum, a representative of the U.S. organization "ORACLE ADVISORY GROUP", who has submitted an application to the Central Election Commission (CEC) to monitor the snap presidential election scheduled to be held in Azerbaijan, said at an event held on Monday.

The American observer said that the survey would also feature the opinions of scientists and intellectuals.

"We will conduct surveys at 500 polling stations across the country with a team of 25 observers. We will prepare internal reports every 3 hours during the day. The pre-election poll results will be announced next week," George Birnbaum noted.

The Citizens’ Labor Rights Protection League will conduct “exit poll" together with the U.S. organization "ORACLE ADVISORY GROUP" on the voting day in the snap presidential election to be held on February 7.



