Le Point's "Inevitable War".


Or the panic that France wants to create in Armenia

As you say, Azerbaijan was preparing to attack the southern borders of Armenia. A few days ago, this ridiculous claim was brought up by the French magazine "Le Point". He himself reported on the situation on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border under the title "Inevitable War".

First of all, let's pay attention to the title of the article and the logic of Azerbaijan's attack. As it is known, such claims have been widely circulated in Armenian society in recent days. The country's government seems to act as a catalyst in their circulation. I wonder if the goal is to keep ordinary Armenians in fear and anxiety? It is known that after the 44-day war, Armenians already have a feeling of fear. So, why, so to speak, is the vein of fear pressed?

 First, the Armenian government does not give up its adventurism. Let's take into account that there are external sources of adventurism. From this point of view, the country whose "activity" should be paid attention to is France. By fulfilling the directives of Paris, Yerevan is blocking the peace process with Azerbaijan by taking a non-constructive position, and the line of intransigence in the current direction raises the prospect of a new war. Therefore, in the present case, it is necessary to scare the Armenian society with the attack of Azerbaijan. Fear must be turned into resistance.

Secondly, the logic of Azerbaijan's attack on Armenia, as a rule, comes into circulation after statements made by Azerbaijan. Baku emphasizes the realities, reveals its principled and right views, voices its objective demands, and in Yerevan, it is said that all this is a warning of invasion. Of course, such an inadmissible setting of the issue is an obvious manipulation, a political provocation aimed at distorting the truth.

Yes, the French magazine "Le Point" is also engaged in an act of obvious sabotage. Before talking about the targets of the provocation, let us say that in the article of the mentioned publication, it is stated that Karabakh was allegedly occupied by the Azerbaijani Army. Of course, we are far from intending to emphasize that the setting of the issue is completely contrary to the principles of international law. Because it is obvious that the French political circles, as well as the media, are rooted in such a depraved nature that they ignore basic principles. Also, we are not surprised by the absurd logic of over a hundred thousand Karabakh Armenians being forced to leave their native land. The main point is primitiveness.

Imagine that a well-known publication of such a country is circulating the opinion that Azerbaijan will attack Armenia based on the opinion of a former war veteran. Another war veteran is also "spoken" and this person named Gevorg, in his world, gives strength to his patriotic feelings: "Fear is dead, and Armenia is alive."

Apparently, the French publication is engaged in creating an illusion, as is the French government. It seems obvious that the magazine, which fulfills the task of the political circles of Paris, is taking an incendiary position. Another manifestation of this position is evident from the points contained in the article of "Le Point" and reflecting the conversation with Karabakh Armenians in Armenia. Let's pay attention, the article states: "You don't need to know the Armenian language to see the anger and resistance of these people (Armenians displaced from Karabakh - ed)."

Yes, "Le Point" is not only pro-Armenian. At the same time, the magazine fulfills the anti-Azerbaijani orders of the French authorities. But what is the purpose of these orders for the current period? Of course, the first goal is to discredit our country. To discredit and form a cruel image of Azerbaijan, to create antipathy towards our country in the world.

On the other hand, it is known that France is arming Armenia. Currently, Paris is thinking of legitimizing this act, in a way. In other words, he wants to show that the arms and ammunition aid to Yerevan is for the liberation of Armenians from the oppression of Baku. This is the main intention in promoting the idea that Azerbaijan will attack Armenia.

Therefore, France will continue to strengthen Armenia. Separate opinions in the article of "Le Point" magazine, based on false sentimentality, also confirm the saying. Of course, the strategic goal is to make Armenia stronger enough to attack Azerbaijan. In short, not to allow the establishment of a peaceful environment in the South Caucasus. Consider that peace in the region promises a prospect that leaves France's global interests unsettled.

