Zhakip Asanov to lead IPA CIS mission at presidential elections in Azerbaijan


The observer mission from the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly at the early presidential elections in Azerbaijan will be led by Deputy Chairman of the Kazakh Senate Zhakip Asanov, according to the press service of the IPA CIS Council Secretariat, Report informs.

The candidacy of Zhakip Asanov was nominated by the Senate of the Kazakh Parliament.

“At the moment, a group of observers is being formed from representatives of parliaments and officials of the IPA CIS member countries, as well as experts from the International Institute for Monitoring the Development of Democracy. International observers from the IPA CIS will take part in monitoring the snap presidential elections at the invitation of Chairperson of Azerbaijani Parliament Sahiba Gafarova,” reads the message.

Early presidential elections will be held in Azerbaijan on February 7, 2024.
