What direction is the passion for war driving the White House?


"Black gold", "black girl's sorrow" and West wind

Experts are sounding the alarm that a "big war" is at the door of most countries of the world, and Azerbaijan is in its neighborhood. It is true that there is no direct threat or risk of war against our country. No one has heard any predictions about this. Even the revanchists in Armenia have put their tongues down a lot after they have made many arguments. Official Iravan already understands very well that the Turkic world has become a great power, Azerbaijan has become one of the main actors of the international world, as well as that Armenian lobbyists in various countries have noticeably "softened up".

However, it is also a fact that we have achieved the restoration of historical justice that we have been waiting for for centuries, unprecedented reconstruction and reconstruction works are being continued rapidly in our territories freed from occupation, our policy is received positively in almost all countries of the world, and our economy is related to the economy of more than a hundred countries. is being developed. Moreover, official Baku is at the very center of many international economic projects. That is, if a new conflict will arise anywhere in the world, or if the existing conflicts will spread out of the locality and spread to a larger area, Azerbaijan will definitely feel the impact of those facts.

Unfortunately, two of the main targets of the United States and some European countries, which do not hide their desire for war and conflict, are "under Azerbaijan's ears." We are talking about the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Iran. If the White House succeeds in moving the war "inside" Russia, what will happen to hundreds of thousands of Azerbaijanis in the territory of our northern neighbor? In that case, our compatriots in that country will either become victims of the war, or we will have to accept another army of refugees. However, we have now begun to resettle the IDPs, whose problems we have solved for thirty years.

Or, what will happen if the option of Iran's involvement in the war, which is "on the tip of the nose" of the White House, takes place? Will the disaster faced by millions of our compatriots in Iran not be our problem? Of course it will. Mr. President Ilham Aliyev said at the Turkic World Organization summit held in Samarkand in the fall of 2022 that we have millions of compatriots living outside the borders of Turkic-speaking countries, and we cannot remain indifferent to their fate.

The expert writes that thanks to the deep political knowledge and foresight of the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, the Karabakh issue was resolved at the right time: "Because if we could not keep the golden mean, problems could arise. Therefore, we are lucky that the country is ruled by a world-wide accepted and respected leader like Ilham Aliyev. Another issue was the closure of land borders. Today, we are following the events happening in our south very carefully. If the land borders of Azerbaijan and Iran were not closed, what could have happened?"

All this is a fact, as well as the ambitions of the White House to expand the scale of wars. It is clear to everyone that Tel Aviv does not want the war in Gaza to cause more casualties every day. The black thinkers in the White House want this war to be prolonged so that the countries with oil and gas ("black gold") on their territory get involved in this conflict, the US soldiers enter the territory of those countries, and the hydrocarbon reserves of the next countries also fall into the hands of the foreigners, as in Iraq and Libya. . That is, the West wind is getting faster.

There was also a "black girl's pain" when two brotherly Slavic countries were made enemies of each other by telling Ukraine to "don't be afraid". "Divide and rule!" those who could not give up their thesis assumed that they would achieve the defeat of Russia in a short time by providing military and material assistance to Ukraine. They thought that if Russia were defeated in this war, all the countries of Eurasia, except for China, could be controlled "from the same center".

However, recently, Azerbaijan proved that regardless of the results of the Russian-Ukrainian war or any other conflict, we will not give up our independent policy, and no one can speak to us in the language of threats and intimidation. In this case, baseless, absurd and ridiculous accusations made with white lies are made against Azerbaijan from the White House. The hypocrisy has reached such a level that US officials draw a blood-colored line over their positive opinions four or five years ago that appreciated the realities of Azerbaijan, tolerance and multiculturalism in our country, and accuse official Baku of not protecting those values. How hypocritical a person must be to sign such a disgusting accusation.

These nonsensical, absurd ideas heard from Washington remind us of the unprecedented injustice done to our country from this very city in the nineties of the last century. So, at that time, 20 percent of its territory was occupied, the document called "907 amendment" was adopted against Azerbaijan, which was facing the problems of more than one million refugees and displaced persons, and military aid was provided to the occupying, terrorist, separatist Armenia (they should learn from history that those aid could not save Armenia from a shameful defeat and a shameful capitulation). Accusing Azerbaijan of violating the principles of multiculturalism, just like that "correction", is groundless, unfair, unjust and sky-rocketing.

Our ill-wishers should understand that all the intimidation, threat or influence directed against our country will be ineffective just like that "907 amendment". Because our politics and actions are based on the principles of truth, holiness, human justice and peacefulness. Throughout history, no arm-wrestler has been able to overcome these principles.

