What does Macron expect from the South Caucasus?


Insidious plans of "Elysee Palace" in the region

This question, which we put in the title of the article, can be answered immediately and unequivocally as follows: the French state, which claims the new ownership of the "Old Continent", intends to seize the rich blessings of the South Caucasus. For this, official Paris resorts to a thousand and one political-diplomatic tricks and games.

The Elysee Palace under the leadership of President Emmanuel Macron sees Turkey as a serious rival in the region to achieve its insidious intentions and is very proud of it. Thus, in recent years, the day by day strengthening of our independent country, which is the leading state of the South Caucasus in terms of all parameters, the Azerbaijan-Turkey tandem is like a confused dream for the official Paris, which considers the occupying Armenia as its "sister".

It is also a matter of regret and surprise that the United States, which is considered the superpower of the modern world, openly and secretly supports France in these baseless claims. Like the Elysee Palace, the White House is worried about the emergence of the Grand Tour on the stage of history under the leadership of a strong and powerful Turkey.

One of the goals of the hybrid wars waged by the Western countries in Syria, Iraq and Libya under the false slogan of "Arab Spring" is to weaken Turkey, and if possible, to break it up. Of course, France definitely does not want the opening of the Zangezur corridor, which connects the Turkic world by land. If this is not possible, he at least tries to dictate the terms that contain his predatory interests.

It seems that the positions and interests of France and the United States currently coincide. The imperialist forces, which could not fully achieve their evil intentions in Iraq, Lebanon and Syria, have now fallen into the desire to confuse the South Caucasus. E. Macron is aware that he will not be able to implement the plans that serve the large industrial and military capital of France on his own, and he was forced to receive a trust mandate from the White House to act on his behalf in the South Caucasus.

As it is known, for a long time, Paris has been engaged in a false propaganda show about the alleged violation of human rights and democracy in Azerbaijan in order to fulfill its disruptive plans in the South Caucasus. With this intention, many international organizations and Western media have launched an ugly slander campaign against Baku. But these are of no use, because it is impossible to hide the real truth. The world already understands who is right and who is wrong.

The anti-terrorist operation, which the Azerbaijani state decisively conducted in Khankendi and its surrounding areas on September 19, 2023 and concluded with great success in just 23 hours, made Macron's intention to deploy his country's military personnel in Karabakh under the name of "peacekeepers". By the way, information that the Elysee Palace even ordered a set of orders and medals for the government of "collaborator" Nikol Pashinyan leaked to the French press.

Does the political establishment of Armenia not know that there is a "civilized and democratic" France that brutally loots the material wealth of "Sahel Africa" ​​countries and blocks the development of their people in the most insidious ways?! Of course, they must not have heard. The Italian prime minister said that France imports more than 20 percent of the uranium it uses in its nuclear power plants from Niger, and that 80 percent of the country's population longs for electricity.

Maybe that France will bring big investments to Armenia for the economic growth of this country? No! Paris does not intend to grant peace and prosperity to any country under its political and economic control. In such a case, the local bourgeoisie may tend to drive the imperialist forces out of the country sooner or later. It is known that France creates fertile conditions for corruption in the countries under the influence of its neo-colonialist policy and carries away the wealth of local peoples with the hands of treacherous governments.

The fate of Niger awaits Armenia. The Armenian political elite, blinded by delusions, still does not understand that self-isolation awaits countries that do not want to establish normal political and economic relations with neighboring states, and this wrong policy does not promise anything good. The current government of Armenia is trying to get rid of Russia's economic and military influence, instead it is looking for a new master in the form of the Elysee Palace. Of course, Yerevan makes another historical mistake.

Atamoglan Mammadli,
Professor of BSU, doctor of historical sciences, commentator

- After the Second World War, the French state was very ambitious for the role of political and economic leader in Europe. But after a short time, Germany straightened up and became the biggest economic power of the continent.

Thus, Paris, unable to achieve its intentions in the economic field, tries to keep the political leadership of the continent in its hands. The fact that the Council of Europe is located in the French city of Strasbourg (which was considered a German city in the Middle Ages - ed) also creates a challenge for Parisi's claims.

Macron supports the federalism policy in Europe with the leadership of his country. At this time, he imagines France as the "super power" of the continent, and he finds it convenient to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. This, of course, is met with sarcasm on the continent.

Macron's global foreign policy line is also flawed. Although he tried to expand France's military presence in different continents of the world, in reality the opposite is happening. The Elysée Palace increases financial support for the national security forces and the army at the insistence of the president.

On August 23 of this year, at the first meeting of the new Cabinet of Ministers, Macron admitted that the period of high prosperity and carelessness of France and Europe is coming to an end. He said that difficult days await Paris in foreign policy.

For the French leader, there are no words and values ​​called human rights. He has repeatedly said sarcastically that France's regime of freedom has its own price and requires certain sacrifices. Yes, in Macron's France, democracy has already become an object of ridicule.

In general, Macron's attempts to intervene in the processes in the South Caucasus stem from the imperialist foreign policy of this country. In Paris, they realize that the Trans-Caspian project, which can transport the wealth of Central Asia across the Caspian Sea and Azerbaijan to Europe and the whole world, can bring prosperity to the regional states.

The opening of Zangezur Corridor is very beneficial for Armenia itself. But France intervenes here and demands a bigger share of the pie. But he forgets that this is the Caucasus, where there are strong actors of global politics, such as Turkey and Azerbaijan, who stand on the side of right and justice.


