"Irevan has no option left to give this one, not this one"


Jirayr Liparidyan said this before our anti-terrorist operation

It is a pity that they did not understand the warning of this old diplomat (he served as the chief adviser on foreign policy of the country's first president, Levon-Ter Petrosyan), and as a result, the fake institution called "Artsakh" had to be released. However, not only this diplomat, but politicians and intellectuals of Armenia who can think soberly, especially the representatives of the opposition, call almost every day that we demand that the country be governed in accordance with the interests and interests of the people, not with recommendations from far abroad. We remind you once again that Armenian politicians are well aware of the threat to their country of corruption "coming from far abroad".

But where does the phrase "far abroad" cover? President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev gave the answer to the question on December 15 in his speech at the meeting regarding the holding of COP29 next year in our country. Our head of state emphasized that after our anti-terrorist operation, some Western countries made groundless accusations against Azerbaijan. There is no basis for these accusations: "Because Azerbaijan, by conducting an anti-terrorist operation against separatists and invaders in its sovereign territory, once again ensured the supremacy of international law and at the same time restored its sovereignty by observing all humanitarian norms. Some Western countries, among them, of course, traditionally France, are not going to put up with it. However, the international community already sees that even Armenia has come to terms with this situation, and the holding of the COP29 conference shows this once again. However, some political leaders in France try to be more Armenian than Armenians. But they will have to come to terms with this situation."

Yes, the provocateurs of the occupying country will have to come to terms with new realities. Because, as Mr. Liparidyan said, Armenia has no choice left. If there is no choice, then Paris, Brussels or Washington will not be able to direct the leaders of this puppet state in some other direction. The only way out is to normalize relations with Azerbaijan and Turkey, take a step back from the abyss and protect state independence. By the way, the President of Azerbaijan has repeatedly spoken about this and reminded that Armenia's restoration of relations with Ankara and Baku can create a foundation for the country's participation in regional economic projects, which will breathe life into its collapsing economy.

It is a pity that Paris and other capitals do not want the Armenian state to come out of crises and the country's economy to revive, they insisted on using Yerevan as a tool for their own interests. They are trying to convince the leadership of the defeated country that all is not lost and it is possible to change something. However, as an Armenian proverb says, false promises to the person in the fire "don't be afraid, you won't burn!" - it is immoral and a crime.

It was because of the encouragement from Paris, Brussels and Washington that the Armenian leadership thought that they had not lost the 44-day war. Jirayr Liparidyan, in his speech at the Massachusetts Center for Armenian Studies before the 23-hour anti-terrorist operation, reminded his compatriots that even though President Ilham Aliyev, who won the 44-day war, had many options in his hands, we did not want to act as losers, referring to baseless claims: "In my opinion, Azerbaijan a peace agreement can be signed, and it should be stated in that document that Armenia will not interfere in the internal affairs of Azerbaijan."

The former state adviser reminds Armenians that the UN Security Council, as well as Armenia's friends Russia, France, Iran, and Greece, have openly declared that Karabakh is an integral part of Azerbaijan. Moreover, Ilham Aliyev realizes everything he thinks.

By the way, in the first decade of the collapse of the USSR, this visionary diplomat repeatedly reminded Armenian politicians to take whatever Azerbaijan is giving us now: "They won't give it ten years from now." He intended to give Armenians the highest status of autonomy in the territory of Azerbaijan. To write these lines, I looked at several interviews of Liparidya in the last three or four years. I could not see the question "Did I tell you twenty years ago?" in any of those interviews. That is, he does not remember. But he reminds to sign the agreement with Azerbaijan and stop interfering in the internal affairs of this country. That's it.

If they do not respond to this call, then there will probably be no need for another call from Liparidia.

