Azerbaijan, OIC discuss cooperation


Azerbaijan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Jeyhun Bayramov has met with the Assistant Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) for Humanitarian, Cultural and Social Affairs, Special Envoy of OIC Secretary General on Afghanistan Tariq Ali Bakheet.


The meeting saw discussions on the current cooperation agenda and the prospects for Azerbaijan-OIC relations including a focus on OIC activities in Afghanistan.


Hailing the flourishing relations with the Organization, Minister Jeyhun Bayramov noted that the opening of the OIC Labor Center in Baku this year would take relations forward within the organization.


Bayramov underscored that the upcoming joint efforts will advance relations between the member countries across various domains, encompassing labor, employment, social protection and human capital development.


The two emphasized the importance of peace and stability in Afghanistan. The representative of the OIC Secretary General gave an insight into his contacts and meetings in Afghanistan, as well as the Organization's future plans in the region.


Bayramov noted that Azerbaijan closely monitors the situation in Afghanistan as a neighbouring state.


During the meeting, the parties lauded the existing humanitarian, social and cultural cooperation between Azerbaijan and OIC, and shared plans for joint cultural events.
