The Hague Azerbaijanis call on global community to recognize humanitarian demining as 18th UN Sustainable Development Goal


The news of two more Azerbaijani civilians, Zamin Hasanli and Rahim Habibov, suffering severe injuries due to a landmine explosion in the Shusha and Fuzuli districts has elicited regret in the Azerbaijani community in The Hague, Netherlands.


According to the State Committee on Work with Diaspora, chairwoman of the "Ana Vatan" European Azerbaijani Women's Union Mayisa Aghamirzayeva issued a statement to the international organizations concerning the threats posed by Armenian landmine terror in Azerbaijan’s liberated territories.


The statement says: “We – Azerbaijanis living in foreign countries state with grief that two more Azerbaijani civilians were seriously injured as a result of landmine explosion in the Shusha and Fuzuli districts.


It is obvious that that Armenia – planted landmines continue to pose a threat to human lives in Azerbaijan. In 2020, following the 44-day war, 340 individuals fell victim to mines in the newly liberated territories. Of this total, 65 lost their lives, while 275 sustained injuries of varying severity. Among the injured count, three were 9 children and young adults, along with 2 woman. The cumulative count of mine victims in Azerbaijan since 1991 stands at 3419.


We emphasize that the landmine issue stands as the primary obstacle to the reconstruction and restoration efforts in Karabakh and East Zangezur, hindering the safe and dignified return of hundreds of thousands of internally displaced persons to their homes.


World Azerbaijanis call upon the global community to provide widespread public support for recognizing humanitarian demining as the 18th Sustainable Development Goal of the UN.”
