Speaker of Azerbaijan`s Milli Majlis meets with Türkiye's Justice and Development Party delegation


Speaker of Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova has met with a delegation led by Foreign Affairs Deputy Chairman of Justice and Development Party of Türkiye (AK Party), Member of Parliament for Istanbul Zafer Sirakaya.


Noting the successfully developing relations between Azerbaijan and Türkiye in accordance with the One Nation, Two States concept, the two highlighted the friendly and fraternal relations of both heads of state, which create ample opportunities in terms of dynamic development of relations between the two countries.


The sides also noted the interparliamenatry relations between the two countries, highlighting the multifaceted cooperation between the Azerbaijani Milli Majlis and the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye and the two countries` deputies activity in bilateral, tripartite and multilateral formats.


The two also mentioned to the relations between the state structures and institutions of both fraternal countries, as well as the relations between the ruling parties of the countries, which contributes to further strengthening of ties.


Highlighting biased and one-sided attitudes towards Azerbaijan and Türkiye within some organizations, Speaker Sahiba Gafarova emphasized the importance of joint cooperation in the fight against such tendencies. She described the Azerbaijan-Türkiye relations as serving stability, peace and cooperation in the region.


The parties also exchanged views on the current situation in the region and other issues of mutual interest.
