French historian: Armenians have always been behind Muslim murders


The studies show that Armenians have always been behind Muslim murders, ADA University teacher, French historian, and researcher Maxime Gauin said at an international event titled "Ensuring the safe and dignified return of displaced Azerbaijanis from Armenia: Global context and a just solution," XQ informs.

According to him, the ethnic cleansing carried out against Azerbaijanis in 1919 was perhaps the bloodiest: "Thus, Azerbaijanis never returned to most of the territories where they were subjected to genocide."

The French historian said that the destruction of Azerbaijan's territories did not happen in isolation: "That is, it was a process carried out directly on a massive scale. That ethnic cleansing was also reflected in Eastern Anatolia. Armenians killed Kurds and Iranians, along with Azerbaijanis. The studies show that Armenians have always been behind Muslim murders. Azerbaijanis were subjected to genocide due to Armenia's territorial ambitions, and their properties were seized."

Gauin emphasized that Minasyan, one of the main leaders of Dashnaksutyun, personally participated in the execution of murders and deportations: "He was a very racist person. Later, his son said in his book about his father that there were more Azerbaijanis than Armenians in Armenia. That's why we had to kill and deport them."
