Western Azerbaijan Community reiterates readiness for direct dialogue with Armenian gov’t on return of Azerbaijanis


The Western Azerbaijan Community stands ready for direct dialogue with the Armenian government on the issue of the return of Azerbaijanis expelled from the territory of present-day Armenia, the Chairman of the Community’s Board, Aziz Alakbarli, said on Tuesday, XQ reports.

Speaking at an international conference, titled “Enabling the safe and dignified return of Azerbaijanis expelled from Armenia: Global context and just solution”, Alakbarli stated that the Western Azerbaijan Community respects international law, as well as the principles of territorial integrity and sovereignty. He emphasized that it is unacceptable to regard the demands of Azerbaijanis expelled from Armenia to return to their homes peacefully as undermining the territorial integrity or sovereignty of Armenia.

Alakbarli reaffirmed the Western Azerbaijan Communtiy’s readiness for direct dialogue with the Armenian government. He called on Armenia to learn lessons from the past, put an end to the policy of hostility and discord, correctly assess the emerging opportunities for establishing peace in the region and take concrete steps for reconciliation with Western Azerbaijanis.
