Ambassador: 'There is no more stupid prophecy than saying that Azerbaijan will go to war for Zangazur Corridor'


There is no more stupid "prophecy" than saying that Azerbaijan will go to war for the Zangazur Corridor, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Azerbaijan to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Vilayat Guliyev, told Report.


According to him, those who did not see the occupation of approximately 20% of Azerbaijani territories and Azerbaijanis living in displacement in their homeland are now talking about the “tragedy” of the Karabakh Armenians who immigrated to Armenia and the expected “annexation policy” of Türkiye and Azerbaijan in Zangazur: “We must not forget that we live in an unfair world where double standards prevail. They know better than anyone that all this is a white lie. But what can be done when those who pay the money want this kind of "music" to be played?"


The diplomat said that, as the former French President Valery Giscard de Este once openly admitted, “the European Union is a Christian club”: “That's why countries like France consider it more acceptable to look at human dramas not from the legal and humanistic point of view but from the perspective of religious affiliation.”


In the Armenian press, almost every day, various foreign "experts" make strange ‘predictions’ that Azerbaijan will soon start a war with Armenia over the Zangazur Corridor. It is impossible to imagine a "more stupid, pointless prophecy" than this. If the occupied lands have been freed, and if the road to Nakhchivan, which is under blockade, is being opened from the territory of Iran, why should we attack Armenia, whose territorial integrity we officially recognize? With what logic should we start a new war in the region? Of course, our country will never do this. But for those who want to create an ‘aggressive’ image of Azerbaijan by any means, it is not difficult to invent such ridiculous lies,” Guliyev said.
