Baku-hosted Non-Aligned Movement Conference on Advancing Rights and Empowerment of Women wraps up


Co-organized by Azerbaijan, the current Chair of the Non-Aligned Movement, as well as Uganda and Uzbekistan, the next chairs of the organization, the Non-Aligned Movement Conference on Advancing the Rights and Empowerment of Women has wrapped up in Baku.


Following the panel sessions, the NAM member states adopted the Declaration, which envisages the development of women`s rights and the empowerment of women.


The participants reaffirmed their commitment to ensuring the full and equal participation of women in society, and placed special importance on promoting the equal participation of women in the political systems of the NAM member states.


Highlighting the importance of involving men and boys in the future processes, the member states reiterated their firm commitment to continue the fight until all forms of violence against women are completely eliminated.


Participants also hailed the inclusion and integration of the goal of achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls, as well as a gender perspective into the 2030 Development Agenda.


The Declaration also featured the decision to establish another institution – the Women's Platform under the Non-Aligned Movement – with the initiative of Azerbaijan.


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