Türkiye’s Supreme Election Council delegation visits Azerbaijan’s Shusha city




As part of its visit to Azerbaijan, a delegation led by Chairman of Türkiye’s Supreme Election Council Ahmet Yener has today familiarized itself with the city of Shusha - the cradle of the Azerbaijani culture and the pearl of Karabakh.


AZERTAC’s regional correspondent reports that the delegation members got acquainted with the host of historical landmarks located in the city, including the House of Khurshidbanu, the “Khan gizi” spring, the Museum Mausoleum Complex of Molla Panah Vagif, the Yukhari Govhar Agha Mosque, and the Jidir Duzu plain, as well as the walls of the Shusha fortress constructed by Panakhali Khan, the ruler of the Karabakh Khanate.


They were informed in detail about the history of Shusha, the Armenian vandalism committed in the city during the nearly 30 years of occupation, as well as the ongoing reconstruction process launched by the Azerbaijani government to restore the true historical image of Shusha, as well as its historical and cultural monuments.
