Vagif Khachatryan sentenced to 15 years in prison


Vagif Khachatryan, one of the members of the illegal Armenian armed formations, which committed a massacre in the village of Meshali of Azerbaijan’s Khojaly district on December 22, 1991, has been sentenced to 15 years in prison following the court verdict announced today.


A criminal group with the participation of Vagif Khachatryan as part of armed formations, not provided for by the legislation of Azerbaijan, comprising of the Armenian nationalists living in the Karabakh economic region, as well as arrived from the Republic of Armenia, committed genocide against the local Azerbaijani population in the village of Meshali, Khojaly district on December 22, 1991 ( on the territory of the former Asgaran district). As a result of these crimes of genocide, persecution, expulsion, armed conflicts committed against the Azerbaijani population in violation of international humanitarian law, a total of 27 people were intentionally killed, 21 people received injuries of varying degrees of severity, two villagers were taken hostage, 340 people out of 81 family households were expelled from their places of permanent residence to other territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan, resulting in material damage of total amount of 13,568,060 manats to the village residents, and 130,800 manats to the state.
