Jeyhun Bayramov: Despite to the 30 year-long military occupation, Azerbaijan initiated normalization agenda


Despite unprecedented suffering, deprivation, and devastation that the people of Azerbaijan were subjected to due to the 30 year-long military occupation, Azerbaijan initiated normalization agenda and offered peace to Armenia based on equal and reciprocal respect for legitimate interests of both sides through mutual recognition of and respect for each other's sovereignty, territorial integrity, and inviolability of borders,” Azerbaijan`s Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov said in his statement during the General Debate of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly on the topic “Rebuilding trust and reigniting global solidarity: Accelerating action on the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals towards peace, prosperity, progress and sustainability for all”.


“Yet, what we observe is replication by Armenia of the past pattern to imitate talks, backtrack from previously undertaken commitments at the last minute, and commit political, military, and other provocations at every negotiation stage to evade taking concrete decisions. As such, the efforts for durable peace between Azerbaijan and Armenia have again become hostage to Armenia's policy of revanchism,” Jeyhun Bayramov added.
