Bulgarian speaker expresses concern about 'elections' in Karabakh region of Azerbaijan


Bulgaria is concerned about the "presidential elections" of the self-proclaimed regime created by Armenia in the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan. These "elections" contradict the statements of the Armenian leadership about support for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, Chairman of the National Assembly of Bulgaria Rosen Zhelyazkov said at a meeting with Azerbaijan's Milli Majlis speaker Sahiba Gafarova.

He noted that the principle of territorial integrity plays a key role in the world order created after 1945. Violation of this principle leads to conflicts that are not easy to resolve. The speaker noted that although Azerbaijan and Bulgaria are geographically remote, similar events have occurred in these regions: “The current situation requires not just voicing statements, but signing an agreement that will ensure long-term peace. Actions must correspond to the voiced statements."

The Bulgarian speaker emphasized that his country supports Azerbaijan’s peace plan and expressed hope that a peace agreement will soon be signed as a result of negotiations with the participation of mediators.

