Smoking reduces brain volume


After examining the brains of more than 32,000 people, it was determined that tobacco products lead to a gradual loss of brain volume. A lost brain cannot be restored.

The additional bad news is that the decline in brain volume also accelerates aging. Smoking, in fact, is a factor in the development of dementia, says Laura Berut, a professor of psychiatry at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. According to L. Beirut, scientists did not pay attention to the effects of smoking on the brain until recently. Until now, scientists focused more on the terrible effects of smoking on the lungs and heart, but now it is clear that smoking also has a negative effect on the brain.

In addition, L. Berutun and his colleagues analyzed the smoking histories, genetic data and brain examinations of more than 32 thousand people from the database of medical records of Great Britain and came to the following conclusion: smoking is a genetic predisposition, and the reduction of brain volume is also a result of smoking.

In addition, it has become clear that the brains of people who smoke are smaller. It has even been found that people who quit smoking years ago have smaller brains than those who have never smoked. Therefore, unfortunately, it is impossible to repair the damage done, but it is possible to prevent further damage.

Of course, in addition to the brain, smoking affects other human organs, it damages the lungs, blood vessels, heart, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.

Therefore, try to quit smoking. It's not too late.

