Peace initiators in the South Caucasus


The peoples of Azerbaijan and Georgia, who have coexisted peacefully in the South Caucasus region for millennia, have strong historical, cultural, economic, and trade links that are founded on mutual respect and trust.


The wise peoples of Azerbaijan and Georgia have a long history of cordial interactions. Our relationships' pasts demonstrate how closely related and similar our fates are. We learn from this historical experience to work as a team, to defend our independence, to maintain regional peace and security, and to assimilate into global society,” Mazahir Afandiyev, MP, Member of the Working Group for Azerbaijani-Georgian Inter-Parliamentary Relations said in his article.


“One of Azerbaijan's primary objectives following its second independence in 1991 was to forge close ties with its neighbors and safeguard security in the South Caucasus. Thanks to his friendship with Georgia's president Eduard Shevardnadze, which dates back to Soviet times, national leader Heydar Aliyev skillfully used his experience and opportunities to strengthen good-neighborly relations between Georgia and Azerbaijan when he announced the country's foreign policy priorities in 1993. As a result, initiatives to strengthen the historical bonds between our people were recognized, along with new efforts against conflict hotspots in the South Caucasus.


In addition to being friends and neighbors, Azerbaijan and Georgia are now significant strategic allies. The cornerstone of our nations' strategic alliance is the "Agreement on Strengthening Friendship, Cooperation, and Mutual Security between the Republic of Azerbaijan and Georgia," which was signed on March 8, 1996. Over 125 documents have been signed between our countries so far, following a number of high-level visits between us in the recent past.

Official chronicle