Azerbaijan Naval Forces’ serviceman awarded the "Sword of Honour"


According to the "Protocol of Intent between the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Minister of Defense of the Italian Republic on cooperation in the field of training and education of Naval Forces personnel", Lieutenant Parvin Ahmadov, a distinguished graduate of the Military Institute named after Heydar Aliyev for 2023-2024 training year, currently serving in the Azerbaijan Naval Forces, was awarded Thursday the "Sword of Honour" and certificate, the Ministry of Defense told AZERTAC.

At the event held at the headquarters of the Naval Forces, First grade Captain Teymur Murshudov met with the military attaché of Italy to Azerbaijan, First grade Captain Gianfranco Vizzini.

The meeting exchanged views on the prospects for cooperation between the naval forces of both countries in the military, military-educational, and other spheres and discussed issues of interest.

First grade Captain Gianfranco Vizzini presented Lieutenant Parvin Ahmadov with the "Sword of Honour" and certificate.
