International Gastronomy Day kicks off in Shusha


The International Gastronomy Day has kicked off in the city of Shusha in Azerbaijan on Friday.

Report informs that the State Tourism Agency, Shusha City State Reserve Administration, and the National Culinary Center are the organizers of the event.

This celebration brings together culinary representatives from Azerbaijan and major tourism markets among Islamic countries, including Türkiye, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iran.

The event's second part will feature a degustation of dishes reflecting the shared Iftar traditions, which have been inscribed on UNESCO's Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity as a multinational nomination titled "Iftar and related social and cultural traditions." Visitors will have the opportunity to savor these delicacies in outdoor tents set up specifically for the occasion.

In addition, the event will showcase a unique exhibition of national tourism brands, displaying gastronomic and tangible cultural heritage samples from the Karabakh and East Zangazur regions. Attendees will also have the chance to witness the art of "Tazhib," a centuries-old decorative art form used in manuscripts, calligraphy texts, religious texts, and miniatures, which has been included in UNESCO's Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage.

