Department head at Baku TV: Solovyov's goal is to ingratiate himself with his masters, Armenian businessmen


The objective of the Russian journalist Vladimir Solovyov and his colleagues is to ingratiate themselves with their superiors, among whom are Armenian entrepreneurs who generously finance them, said Turan Ibrahimov, the head of the Western Azerbaijan Department at Baku TV, Report informs.


"We know very well that Solovyov, Simonyan, Gabrelyanov, and others, in a certain sense, lead the main ideological line of the Russian state. They are the mouthpieces that promote the government's policies. Recently, influential media resources in Russia published leaked information. It was noted that up to $60 million is allocated annually to Solovyov alone to continue his current activities. These are direct allocations. But there are other additional amounts. This fact shows that Solovyov's activities are somehow coordinated by the state," he said.


Ibrahimov added that one of the reasons for Solovyov's anti-Azerbaijani activity is that his wife cheated on him with an Azerbaijani person: "There is another topic that is being discussed behind the scenes regarding Solovyov. It is noted that he was married three times. Solovyov's second wife cheated on him with an Azerbaijani. Later, the woman left Solovyov for that Azerbaijani man and still lives with him. Even though they have two children,. The cheat of Solovyov's wife with an Azerbaijani man and their living together create personal resentment against Azerbaijan and Azerbaijanis. This happened a long time ago. Even his negative and unpleasant attitude towards Azerbaijanis is mostly explained by this. Despite Solovyov commented on this earlier and said that such an incident did not happen, everyone in Russia is talking about it and this topic is on the agenda."
