Samples of Azerbaijan’s intangible cultural heritage included in Islamic World’s Heritage List


On December 18-19, the capital of Morocco, Rabat, hosted the 11th meeting of the Islamic World Heritage Committee (IWHC), operating under the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization – ISESCO, Report informs referring to the Ministry of Culture of Azerbaijan.

By the decision of the committee members, 10 samples of Azerbaijan's intangible cultural heritage were included in the Islamic World Heritage List:

1. Yalli (kochari, tenzere) traditional group dances of Nakhchivan;

2. The tradition of preparing and serving dolma (dish), an indicator of cultural identity;

3. Pahlavan (wrestling) culture, traditional zorkhana games, sports and wrestling;

4. Azerbaijani mugham;

5. Copper craft in Lahij;

6. Chovqan – traditional Karabakh equestrian game;

7. Azerbaijani ashug (love poesy) creativity;

8. Traditional art of making and wearing kelaghai (women’s headscarf), its symbolism;

9. The art of performing on tar (string musical instrument) and the craftsmanship of its manufacture;

10. Traditional art of carpet weaving of Azerbaijan.

On December 19, at the headquarters of ISESCO, at a ceremony with the participation of officials from Morocco, representatives of diplomatic missions of member countries of the organization and members of the Heritage Committee of the Islamic World, on the basis of nomination files prepared by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the head of ISESCO, director of the organization Salim AlMalik presented the permanent representative of Azerbaijan in this institution, Nazim Samadov, with a certificate confirming the inclusion of the mentioned elements in the Heritage List of the Islamic World.

This decision of the Islamic World Heritage Committee emphasized the important value of these elements of intangible cultural heritage belonging to the Azerbaijani people, and also drew attention to the importance of ensuring the preservation, protection and sustainability of cultural heritage.

In cooperation with ISESCO, of which Azerbaijan is a member, the topic of cultural heritage protection holds one of the important places.

In 2019, Icherisheher (together with the Maiden Tower and the Palace complex of the Shirvanshahs), the historical center of Sheki (together with the Khan’s Palace) and the rock paintings of Gobustan from Azerbaijan were included in the Heritage List of the Islamic World.

Thus, the number of examples of the cultural heritage of Azerbaijan in the List of Heritage of the Islamic World has reached 13.
