Next edition of Japanese version of IRS magazine published


A new issue of the Japanese version of the “IRS” magazine, which plays an important role in disseminating Azerbaijani realities around the world, as well as promoting the country’s rich culture and art abroad, has been published.

The magazine features information about Azerbaijan's natural landscapes, development of tourism sector, as well as historical monuments.

The edition highlights the history of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Japan.

The publication provides information about Armenia's policy of aggression against Azerbaijan, which lasted for almost 30 years, as well as its severe consequences, atrocities committed against Azerbaijan's historical, religious and cultural monuments, destruction of cities and villages.

The magazine also features articles highlighting the 44-day Patriotic War in the fall of 2020 carried out under the leadership of President of Azerbaijan, Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, and the restoration and reconstruction works currently underway in the economic regions of Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur.

Shahin Jafarov

Special correspondent
