Illegal Armenian armed formations must be driven out from Azerbaijani territories - military expert


Illegal Armenian armed formations must be driven out from the territories of Azerbaijan once and for all, military expert Adalat Verdiyev told XQ .

He noted that in recent days, Armenia has expanded the scale of its military provocations against Azerbaijan.

“In recent days, Armenian sabotage-reconnaissance groups have been repeatedly firing at the Azerbaijani Army’s positions, attempting to infiltrate into the territory of Azerbaijan to plant anti-tank landmines and intensifying the use of radio-frequency interference to GPS satellite navigation systems of passenger aircraft of airlines flying through the airspace of Azerbaijan,” Verdiyev said.

The military expert noted that the landmine terror of Armenia against Azerbaijan continues. “As a result of the Armenia landmine terror, two Azerbaijani civilians and four personnel of the country’s Interior Ministry lost their lives. I express my deepest condolences to the families and loved ones of those killed.”

Verdiyev also blamed the Russian peacekeeping contingent temporarily stationed on the territory of Azerbaijan for failing to carry out its mission responsibly.

“Illegam Armenian armed formations and their equipment must be withdrawn from the territories of Azerbaijan. Otherwise, no one can guarantee that these provocations will not continue,” the expert added.
