Sanctions against Russia won't have negative effect on gas hub creation


The sanctions imposed against Russia and Europe’s desire to wean itself off Russian gas should not become a problem for plans to create a gas hub in Türkiye and its immediate operation, a source in the field of strategic planning in the Turkish energy sector told TASS, Report informs.

“We see that in Europe there are certain negative sentiments regarding the purchase of Russian energy resources. Because of this situation, there are suggestions that the gas center in Thrace may experience problems. But the situation is such that Russia can sell large volumes of gas to Türkiye, loading its national capacities. In this format, gas in some way becomes local and can be traded together with gas from other countries, no longer subject to sanctions,” the agency’s interlocutor noted.

He also added that in the future Türkiye expects to connect many other players to trade through the hub. Large volumes of incoming gas, an impressive part of which Russia will be able to supply, will, in his words, “ensure good initial growth of the project and allow for an attractive price.”
