Brazil official: Azerbaijan's BTR initiative caters to needs of developing countries


Combating climate change and its consequences is a monumental task that no country can tackle alone, said Andre Correra, Brazil's Deputy Minister of Environment and Climate Change, at the High-Level Dialogue: Advancing Climate Transparency through Universal Participation in the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF).

He said the adoption of a global system for transparency in emissions marks the beginning of a new era in climate action, Correra noted.

This shift is transformational, putting cooperation at the forefront instead of competition, he emphasized.

Correra praised the Biennial Transparency Reports (BTR) initiative put forward by Azerbaijan, the presiding country of COP29, stating that it caters to the needs of developing nations and aims to establish robust transparency systems at the national level.

Correra urged to seize this opportunity to identify and address capacity gaps and technical needs while fostering mutual trust and collaboration.

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