Azerbaijan's Security Service chief invites Armenia to closer cooperation in matters related to captives and hostages


The chief of the State Security Service, Colonel-General Ali Naghiyev, made a speech at the international conference on "Increasing national and global efforts to clarify the fate of missing persons", XQ informs.

"I invite the official Yerevan to closer cooperation in matters related to captives and hostages," Naghiyev said at the conference.

"We hope that accurate mine maps, as well as information about the fate of the missing persons and their graves, will be provided by Armenia to Azerbaijan. Finding and identifying the remains of missing persons from both sides would serve to resolve the long-standing humanitarian crisis," he added.

Naghiyev stressed that they are ready for comprehensive cooperation in this direction: "However, although we hoped that Armenia would take a constructive position in this field in the past period, our expectations were not fully fulfilled. Using the opportunities created by this conference, I invite the official Yerevan to closer cooperation in matters related to the captives and hostages."

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