Int’l consulting company Micon prepares report on ore mining facilities in Azerbaijan’s Gadabay


International consulting company Micon International Ltd has prepared a preliminary report on the ore mining and processing facilities in Azerbaijan’s Gadabay, XQ informs referring to Anglo Asian Mining.

Anglo Asian Mining said it is reviewing the draft report with Micon and the Azerbaijani government. Anglo Asian Mining expects the report to be finalized next week and will provide further details once the report is finalized.

On 31 July, UK-based Anglo Asian Mining suspended its flotation plant and production at the Gadabay contract area until any environmental and safety deficiencies identified in a report by an independent international consultancy have been addressed, if any are identified in the report of the independent international consulting company Micon.

The Micon team, on behalf of the Azerbaijani government and with the support of the Azerbaijani environmental company Iqlim, carried out a full environmental inspection of the ore mining and processing facilities at Gadabay, and based on the results will be required to provide a full report on its findings to the government and the company.

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