Kazakhstan agrees to reduce tariffs on use of fitting platforms for Azerbaijan and Georgia Railways – UPDATED


The General Assembly of the International Association Trans-Caspian International Transport Route has approved the allocation of fitting platforms for use in the inventory fleet of Azerbaijani and Georgian Railways, as well as the provision of wagon support by Kazakhstan Railways.

According to the decision, a 30% discount on the established usage fee will be applied in Azerbaijan and Georgia, while Kazakhstan will grant full exemption from charges.


CJSC Azerbaijan Railways and JSC Georgian Railways have approached JSC Kazakhstan Temir Zholy (KTZ) with a proposal to reduce by 30% the established rate for the use of container platforms of the inventory park in the territories of Azerbaijan and Georgia along the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TITR), and to completely exempt from these fees in the territory of Kazakhstan, Secretary General of the International Association of TITR Gaidar Abdikerimov said at a meeting of the association in Baku, Report informs.

"At the meeting of the working group on the development of the TITR on March 3, 2025, KTZ presented information on the formation of a common pool of wagons (flatcars) for running along the TITR route. In this regard, CJSC Azerbaijan Railways asked KTZ to provide flatcars from the inventory park for operation in the territories of Azerbaijan and Georgia," said Abdikerimov.

He added that in order to avoid an increase in the cost of transportation on the route, the parties proposed to reduce the tariff by 30% for the territories of Azerbaijan and Georgia and completely cancel it for Kazakhstan.
