US Assistant Secretary of State for Energy Resources hails Azerbaijan's role as energy supplier


Azerbaijan is playing a critically important role this year as the President of COP29," Assistant Secretary of State for Energy Resources at the U.S. State Department Geoffrey Pyatt told AZERTAC.

"As I mentioned, I was really pleased to meet today with Director General of the International Energy Agency Fatih Birol, and COP29 President-Designate Mukhtar Babayev, who spoke quite expansively and constructively about all of the work that he is doing and the critical importance of COP29 in terms of both accelerating our work together on energy transition," he mentioned.

"But as I said in my remarks from the stage. So we all have to work together to implement the pledges we have made on methane abatement, to identify technologies to do so faster, and then also something that I know President Ilham Aliyev is committed to, which is expansion of solar, of storage, of wind power. So we're very excited for the potential of partnership there, and then also everything that we hope we'll be able to do together, and the role of Azerbaijan as a supplier of energy resources, even more than it already is to Türkiye and then onward to the European Union," Geoffrey Pyatt added.

Malahat Najafova

Special correspondent
