Ökrös: Hungary ready to share experience for agriculture development in Azerbaijan


Hungary is ready to share its experience with Azerbaijan in the application of new technologies that can be useful in various areas of agriculture, Deputy Secretary of State for International Relations of the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture Oszkár Ökrös said at the 10th meeting of the Azerbaijan-Hungary Intergovernmental Commission in Baku, Report informs.

“As previous speakers have already noted, relations between the two countries are at a good level, and we are considering the possibility of strengthening closer ties,” he noted.

According to him, Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó's visit to Azerbaijan demonstrated how actively Hungary is interested in cooperation with the country. “We believe that these relationships are truly valuable in today’s complex global politics,” he added.

Oszkár Ökrös stated that Hungary is currently working on joint projects with the Azerbaijan Food Safety Agency.
