Caspian Investment Forum Bishkek 2024 brings together entrepreneurs from 10 countries


® Caspian Investment Forum Bishkek 2024 brings together entrepreneurs from 10 countries
22.04.2024 [18:35]
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Caspian Investment Forum Bishkek 2024 co-organized by Caspian Energy Club Kyrgyzstan and Union Logistics has taken place, said Rovshan Mehdiyev, Chairman of the Board of Caspian Energy Club Kyrgyzstan.

In his opening speech at Caspian Investment Forum Bishkek 2024, Caspian Energy Club Chairman and Group CEO Telman Aliyev expressed his deep gratitude to the top leadership of both countries for the favorable business-enabling environment, healthy investment climate and for the positive impact that reforms ongoing in the two countries have on the economy. According to Telman Aliyev, Chairman of the Board of Caspian Energy Club Kyrgyzstan Rovshan Mehdiyev and his crew played a prominent role in conduction of the forum. “Rovshan Mehdiyev makes serious efforts to expand economic ties between Azerbaijani and Kyrgyz companies. The organized forum was a major step towards achievement of these goals, and we hope that this event will furthermore contribute to these successes. I am confident that in the near future we will witness positive outcomes brought by Caspian Investment Forum Bishkek 2024 for the public and private sectors,” Telman Aliyev said.

Caspian Investment Forum Bishkek 2024 focused on the discussion of such topics as the investment potential of countries located along the Middle Corridor route, free economic zones, export development opportunities, transition to green economy, green energy, energy sustainability and cooperation of business communities of Turkic-speaking states with Europe.

“Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan possess broad potential to develop economic and investment cooperation. The major objective of the Forum is to raise mutual interest of Azerbaijani and Kyrgyz companies, expand economic ties between the parties and bring them to a much higher level. Moreover, we would like to attract entrepreneurs from countries where Caspian Energy Club is present to join different projects ongoing in Kyrgyzstan,” Rovshan Mehdiyev noted.

According to Rovshan Mehdiyev, the Azerbaijani company Union Logistics makes continuous efforts to expand business and trade relations between the two countries. “Union Logistics is placing high priority on issues associated with the transport-communication area, especially logistics, and promoting the development of this sector both in Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan,” he noted and added that Union Logistics has established effective cooperation with Turkic-speaking countries in restoration and operation of the ancient Silk Road. Union Logistics has paved a new route, running along the ancient Silk Road, on which it worked for a long time. The company is working over different new projects to increase the transit potential of Azerbaijan. As an example, noteworthy is transportation of cargoes to Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan-Kyrgyzstan via the Türkiye-Georgia-Azerbaijan route. Besides, the company made a step towards economic integration and entered the free economic zone (FEZ) Bishkek. This in turn will help Azerbaijani businessmen to carry out quick import of local products to Central Asia and China.

“I hope the organized forum will have a positive impact on the development and expansion of economic ties between our countries and give strong momentum to sustainable development processes in both countries,” Rovshan Mehdiyev said.

It is also noteworthy that a business tour to Bishkek FEZ was arranged for the forum participants the day before Caspian Investment Forum Bishkek 2024. A meeting with General Director of Bishkek FEZ Timur Tamiraliyev was held within the framework of the business tour. “I am sure this meeting will result in fruitful and long-term cooperation for both sides,” Rovshan Mehdiyev emphasized.

Participating in Caspian Investment Forum Bishkek 2024 were Minister of Economy and Commerce of the Kyrgyz Republic Daniyar Amangeldiyev, Minister of Transport and Communication of the Kyrgyz Republic Tillek Tekebayev, Chairman of the State Customs Service under the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic Samat Isabekov, Deputy Chairman of the Azerbaijan Republic Customs Committee Javad Gasimov, Deputy Executive Director of Export and Investment Promotion Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan – AZPROMO Zohrab Gadirov, as well as authorized representatives of a number of institutions such as the Ministry of Culture, Information, Sports and Youth Policy of the Kyrgyz Republic, Ministry of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic, KOBIA.

It is noteworthy that Union Express, RRK Company, Garant Company and SENSEMI have provided broad support to Caspian Investment Forum Bishkek 2024 as its sponsors.

Such topics as the investment potential in the energy sector, local business environment, information about legislation for construction enterprises and plants, as well as search of opportunities for transport and logistics companies to access the market, were broadly covered during the Q&A session.

Established in June 2002, Caspian Energy Club brings together over 5,000 companies and organizations across 50 countries. As an active participant of the business-to-government dialogue, the major objective of Caspian Energy Club is to improve investment and business climate in Azerbaijan and in other countries where the Club operates, as well as to encourage and actively engage in B2G, B2B and B2C dialogues.

Headquartered in Baku, Caspian Energy Club is an international business networking platform regularly conducting different events. Caspian Energy Club has representative offices operating in Great Britain, Germany, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, UAE, Poland, Türkiye, Uzbekistan, Finland, Czechia, Estonia, as well as authorized representatives around the globe.

Caspian Energy Club International was established in 2023 with the aim to manage international projects of Caspian Energy Club. Within 5 years Caspian Energy Club International plans to open offices in 100 countries across the world. One of the major functions of Caspian Energy Club International is to manage the Club’s activity in countries where no representatives are present, and work out a general strategy for all foreign offices.
