Secretary General: ‘Azerbaijan plays key role for goals and objectives of BSEC’


Azerbaijan plays a significant role in the implementation of the goals and objectives of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC), General Secretary of the organization, Lazar Comanescu, said at the first meeting of educational institutions specialized in tourism of the BSEC member states organized by the State Tourism Agency of Azerbaijan and the BSEC, held in Baku today, Report informs.

Comanescu mentioned that the organization and holding of this event in Baku is proof of Azerbaijan's contribution to the realization of goals and objectives: "This event is an indicator of the special importance of education and professional training for training high-potential personnel in the field of tourism. The vast area of the Black Sea has amazing natural beauty, great history and rare It is widely recognized as having cultural assets. Tourism is an important asset for sustainable economic development in our region. It is also an important tool for building trust and communication between people."

The secretary-general noted that tourism, which is effectively linked to other areas such as job creation, investment, infrastructure development and promotion of social inclusion, is also known to be related to areas related to culture and cultural heritage.

According to him, today's geopolitical landscape requires more trust and cooperation than before.

The event was attended by official representatives of tourism-related state institutions of 11 out of 13 member states of the BSEC.
