Italian media: Azerbaijan accounts for 60% of France's economic ties with South Caucasus


Azerbaijan accounts for 60% of France's economic ties with the countries of the South Caucasus, which means that the final severance of ties between the two countries will deal a blow to the interests of Paris both in Baku and in the region as a whole.

Report informs citing an article by Italian journalist Francesco De Palo, published in the Formiche newspaper, that in response to the resolution of the upper house of the French parliament [calling for the introduction of economic sanctions against Azerbaijan], which only reflects the position of parliament and does not have binding executive force, the Milli Majlis Committee on International Relations called for the expulsion of all French companies from the country, including Total.

This could seriously affect France's economic interests in the South Caucasus, the author believes.

De Palo stressed that if sanctions are imposed against Azerbaijan, Baku will not hesitate to refuse cooperation with any French business and will expel all French companies from the country, including Total, which is involved in numerous projects such as the Absheron field in the Caspian Sea or the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline.
