Azerbaijan explores tourism cooperation prospects with Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Tajikistan


Chairman of Azerbaijan`s State Tourism Agency Fuad Naghiyev has met with ambassadors Essam bin Saleh Al-Jutaili of Saudi Arabia, Omar Barakat Al Nahar of Jordan and Ilhom Abdurahmon of Tajikistan to explore prospects for expanding tourism cooperation.


The meeting focused on enhancing reciprocal tourist visits between the countries.


Fuad Naghiyev noted that a number of marketing events will be arranged in Saudi Arabia this year. Ambassador Essam bin Saleh Al-Jutaili emphasized that the citizens of Saudi Arabia consider Azerbaijan as one of the suitable destinations for long-term visits. The sides also exchanged views on simplifying visa procedures for Azerbaijani citizens.


During the meeting with the ambassadors of Jordan and Tajikistan, the parties exchanged views on launching direct flights, increasing existing flight routes and developing mutual relations in the field of tourism.
