Can the retirement age be lowered in Azerbaijan?


Currently, the draft law "On the state budget of 2024" is being discussed in the Milli Majlis. During the debate, several MPs propose lowering the retirement age. Can the retirement age be lowered in Azerbaijan?

Talking to, deputy Igbal Mammadov said that the most frequently asked questions today are whether the retirement age will be lowered. and will the social allowance called "child allowance" be reinstated?:

"Today, strengthening the social protection of our population is one of the important priorities of the socio-economic policy carried out by the state. In recent years, various measures have been continuously implemented in Azerbaijan to improve the social welfare of citizens. Thus, consistent steps are being taken to strengthen the social protection of the population, increase social payments and wages. You know that one of the most important events of 2023 was the continuous increase of salaries, pensions and allowances. From February 1 of this year, the minimum limit of the labor pension was increased from 240 manats to 280 manats.

As a result of the social reforms carried out by the state in the last 5 years, the deputy said, serious increases in social payments have been observed in our country:

"The most important thing is that during these years, the minimum pension has been increased 2.5 times, from 110 manats to 280 manats. These increases will be continued in the following years. It remains that the issue of the retirement age is not currently being discussed in the National Assembly. and at the committee meetings, they made a proposal to release the retirement age. This issue was even raised during the discussion of the draft law "On the State Budget of 2024". State representatives participating in the discussions noted that the issue of lowering the retirement age has not been discussed. In the following years, this issue It can be discussed again in the National Assembly".
