Kazakhstan proposes more active use of Trans-Caspian International Transport Route


Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Alikhan Smailov invited Chinese transport companies and logistics operators to more actively use the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route for container transport from China to Europe, Report informs.


The Kazakh Prime Minister made the proposal at the official opening ceremony of the 6th China International Import Exhibition (CIIF) in Shanghai.


Smailov noted that the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route will reduce the time for transporting goods by almost half.


“Currently, about 85% of all land transit traffic from China to Europe occurs via Kazakhstan. The construction of Kazakh terminals in the city of Xi’an and the Georgian port of Poti is in full swing. It is planned to build a 3rd railway checkpoint on the Kazakh-Chinese border, “dry ports at the Bakhty and Kalzhat crossings, a container hub in Aktau, as well as the expansion of port facilities on the Black Sea along the Middle Corridor,” Smailov added.


The Prime Minister invited Chinese transport companies to take part in the listed projects and also invited transport and logistics operators to actively use the cross-border transport infrastructure available in Kazakhstan.


The Trans-Caspian International Transport Route was created in February 2014 with the participation of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Georgia.
