Gas production in Azerbaijan increased by 5 percent in January-September 2023


According to operational data for January-September 2023, Azerbaijan produced 36.1 bcm of natural gas. 9.6 bcm of gas production extracted from ACG, while 19.7 bcm from Shah Deniz and 0.4 bcm from Absheron, the Ministry of Energy told AZERTAC.


According to the ministry, SOCAR produced 6.4 bcm gas during this period. Gas was transported with an increase of 1.7 bcm, namely 5 per cent compared to the relevant period of last year.


During this period, gas sales amounted to 17.8 bcm, which was 9% more compared to the same period previous year. In January - September 2023, 8.6 billion cubic meter of gas was sold to Europe, 7.5 bcm to Türkiye, and 1.7 bcm to Georgia. During this period nearly 4.3 bcm gas was exported to Türkiye through TANAP.


Since the commissioning of the Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli and Shah Deniz till 1 October 2023, about 213 bcm of gas was produced from Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli and more than 202.5 bcm of gas from Shah Deniz. During this period, 143 bcm gas was exported from Shah Deniz.
