Azerbaijan's economy grows slightly


Azerbaijan's GDP made 80,096.4 billion manats ($47.1 billion) in January-August of this year, up 0.8% year-on-year, Report informs, citing the State Statistical Committee.

Over the past year, value added in the oil and gas sector of the economy fell by 1.1%, while in the non-oil-gas sector, it increased by 2.6%.

According to the committee, industry accounted for 42.4% of GDP production, trade; repair of vehicles accounted for 9.5%, transport and storage for 6.2%, construction - 4.8%, agriculture, forestry and fisheries - 6.1%, tourist accommodation and catering - 2.4%, information and communication - 1.6%, and other spheres - 17.6%. Net taxes on products and imports made up 9.4% of GDP.

During the past year, the country's GDP per capita increased to 7,895 manats ($4,644.12).
