Operating under the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport "AzInTelecom" LLC has joined the United Nations (UN) Global Agreement.
“AzInTelecom” LLC has become one of the institutions representing Azerbaijan in the initiative, which includes influential companies from more than 160 countries. By joining the initiative, “AzInTelecom” plans to improve its activities in the fields of environmental, social and corporate governance, to make a wider contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, as well as to the country's economy.
The company also adheres to the 10 principles of the Global Compact on human rights, labor rights, gender equality, environmental protection and anti-corruption.
"AzInTelecom" plays a significant role in Azerbaijan's digital transformation, aiming to modernize cloud services and provide digital signatures for individuals with signing rights. The company has already implemented a number of initiatives that demonstrate its commitment to sustainable development and social responsibility. These initiatives include automation of administration, replacement of paper documentation with digital documentation, tree planting campaigns, employee development programs and implementation of community support activities through various projects.
"AzInTelecom" as a participant of the UN Global Agreement will adapt its activities to "green" development directions and obligations. Taking into account that 2024 has been declared the "Green World Solidarity Year" in the country and the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP29) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change will be held in Azerbaijan, the focus on environmental issues and the promotion of "green" technologies will be increased in its activities.
It should be noted that the Global Agreement, founded in 2000 on the initiative of the UN, brings together more than 20,000 business and non-business partners in more than 160 countries. The main goal of the members of the Global Agreement is to align their strategies and activities with the internationally accepted principles of human rights, labor rights, environmental protection and the "2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development".