President Ersin Tatar: Participation in Azerbaijan-hosted football tournament source of pride, milestone in Northern Cyprus’ sporting history


Ersin Tatar, President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) met Friday with the country’s U-12 football team and its coaching staff, who joined the “Ulduz Cup” international football tournament hosted by Azerbaijan.

President Ersin Tatar described Northern Cyprus U-12 football team’s participation in the tournament as a milestone event.

The TRNC President emphasized Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev’s personal contribution to developing relations between Azerbaijan and the Northern Cyprus.

“I express my sincere gratitude for the successful representation of the independent Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus in brotherly Azerbaijan,” the TRNC President noted, calling the tournament a great opportunity for the country’s U-12 team in terms of accumulating sporting experience.


President Ersin Tatar also expressed his gratitude to Hasan Sertoğlu, President of the Cyprus Turkish Football Association (CTFA) for supporting the country’s U-12 team’s initiative to participate in the tournament.

Ramin Abdullayev

Special correspondent
