Media: Türkiye eyes phased prisoner exchange between Hamas and Israel


A number of Western countries have turned to Türkiye with a request to facilitate the exchange of prisoners in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict zone, Report informs referring to the Hürriyet newspaper.


“Many states have turned to Ankara with a request to stand up for their citizens. In this context, Türkiye contacted Hamas at various levels and issued warnings, as in the case of Israel,” the publication notes.


Ankara is reportedly planning a phased exchange that will start with women.


“However, the exchange of prisoners is not an easy matter. The information received indicates that Hamas has put forward a number of conditions. Ankara will continue its efforts. However, world public opinion must also apply pressure. According to Ankara, a gradual exchange of prisoners can be carried out. The agenda includes gradual implementation of the process, which will begin primarily with women,” the report noted.
