Azerbaijan detains former so-called "leaders" of Garabagh separatists


The former "presidents" of the separatists in Garabagh, Arkady Gukasyan (1997-2007) and Bako Sahakyan (2007-2020), the "Garabagh representative" of the "Dashnakasutyun" party, and the former parliament speaker of the separatist regime, David Ishkhanyan were detained by the State Security Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan and brought to Baku in connection with the criminal proceedings against them for the criminal acts they committed, reports.

Those persons will be held accountable for the criminal acts they have committed and led for years.

Note that after the victorious end of the Patriotic War of September 27, 2020, according to the trilateral statement, the Russian military contingent controlled those areas and the Lachin road leading from the region to Armenia.

Azerbaijan then took decisive steps and destroyed all the insidious plans of the separatists.

Following the local anti-terrorist measures carried out by the Azerbaijani army on September 19, the separatist regime raised a white flag and was forced to dissolve itself.
